Our Vision
We want to focus maximum efforts towards saving the bees. Our goal is to let everyone know
that we are here to help when it comes to bees. If you see a hive in a place where it causes
danger or nuisance to people, do not kill them or call someone who will, call us! We will come
and work with you to resolve the issue without harming the bees.
Our Mission
The Bee Army's main mission is to remove bees from places where they are not wanted by
humans. We want the community involved by letting us know where there is such hives. We can
not do this alone. Please do not hesitate to call us and save the bees from extermination.
Our Values
We have been working hard to find new ways to safely remove bees. We do not like when bees
die so we work extra careful and diligently to be able to transfer them from your home to our